Senin, 30 Maret 2009

Flower....Flower....Flower.....: flower

Couroupita guianensis Aubl / Sala Tree
King dom : Plantae- Plants
Subkingdom : Tracheobionta - Vascular plants
Superdivision : Spermatophyta - Seed plants
Division : Magnoliophyta - Flowering plan
Class : Magnoliopsida . dicotyledons
Subclass : Dilleniidae
Order : Lecythidales
Family : Lecythidaceae - Brazil nut Family
Genus : Couroupita Aubl. - cannonball tree - sala tree
Species : Couroupita guaianensis Aubl. - cannonball tree - sala tree

Description : a Large tree , up to 10 m - 15 m tall . flowers and fruit grows direcrly from
the trunk
Hardiness : grows in tropical zones
Growing Environtment : Provide lot's of water and humidity for optimal grow
Propagations : By seeds

According to the Stories, the name of SOLO , SALATIGA are from the name of Sala Tree

The Sala tree is So familiar in Buddhism stories . where the Holly Buddha Gautama was born under SALA TREE and peacefully passed away ( Maha Parinirwana ) between two Sala Tree
Miraculous Birth
The Buddha's birth was similarly miraculous. On the eighth day of the
fourth lunar month, Queen Maya was walking in the Lumbini Garden in
Suddhodana's palace grounds, south of the Himalayas. As she stood under
a sala (ashoka) tree and raised her right arm to pick a blossom, the infant
Buddha sprang from her side without causing his mother pain or bloodshed.
He immediately took seven steps towards the north, and announced in a loud
Death of the Buddha
At the age of 80, after 45 years of teaching, the Buddha entered into a deep
trance and died peacefully in the Sala Grove in Kushinagara. This event, often
called the (Maha)parinirvana, is depicted with the Buddha reclining gently on
his right side, often surrounded by sorrowing attendants and disciples. Sometimes
his body appears already shrouded with muslin, as his follower Ananda prepares
for his masters funeral

In Chiang Mai the Tree that sacred to

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