Sabtu, 14 November 2009

Aromatic Bouquet from Sala flower

Several years having nice cute aromatic and interesting sala flower ,the rare flower and undescribed how attractived it was . real took many attention to the people that saw and smell for the very first time specially to those that loves flower.
this year the flowers start yo arise in september 2009 it has been 3 months and the frowers blossom every morning spreading the nice aromas, something makes different from the other year is about the stick branch spreadout from the trunk were more than one , not like the other year
, the branches of the flower bouquet spreads inthe seven spot from the trunk, its a reasonable reason some people from India call it nagalinga, because each branch thats the flower blooms lookslike the shape of Naga ( dragon ).
Everymorning i saw some people surrounding under my Sala tree, just to chat or just to relish the beauty and the aroma or the flower.
One day. the unresponsible pedestrian took away without permission the flower unbeknown by us ,its because the flower blossom within reach of the people that passed through.
Something that makes me agaping was not how the flower being taken by unresponsible person but How the neighbour concerned and cared about it. and feel sad of what has happened
Some of them told me ,if they always enjoy the beauty and the essence from the flower every morning , and they really made it by protect and love the flower together. they know if the tree was never found in our neighbourhood.
something special was the tree is learning to starts growing fruit. even not succeed at this moment , but at the other moment the fruit will certainly growing soon.

This picture of lovely flower seems if its going to express some word accosting everyone :" good morning everyone , may you will have a good day and gone for all achievement. with spirit and enthusiasm for the whole days "

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