Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009

My beauty shoot of sala flower

Proudly in hurry and not patience enough to show you my excellent picture of the sala flower taken yesterday10 th december 2009, with the nice composition and layout , really makes the flower looks so much elegance like flower from heaven ,sparkling at the morning, spreading amazingly to everyone.

Selasa, 08 Desember 2009

The flower of early December 2009

This is the picture of the young sala tree fruits, its about ten days after the flower fall from the branch, the young fruit absolutely not resistant of bad temperature, if too hot the fruits cann't grows big, and also the change of weather, fror summer to rainy or even the opposites it could drop the fruit off.but somehow it needs water to pumps its fruit to out grow.the beauty of the fruit shown by the shape and the texture from the skin looks like the snakes skin.

Sabtu, 28 November 2009

The Flower of November

The flower of November 2009.its nearly the month of many even and celebration, next mont is going tobe Christmas and also mean we going fo face New Year 2010, we alway hope the next day , and the next month also the next Year will always full of many Hopes and achievements, we pray that every moment we pass through with all happines and success , may our delayed plan will be carried out soon. even manythings happen to the entire world, we always be optimised just like the Sala tree that always give and shows us it spirits , even many unexpected moment happened , it just shows and tell us to be patient and Trust to the almighthy like the sala flower that never boring Showing its elegances , proud and optimized all the time . to be Strong and also tobe trusted. what ever hapenned the flower always fragrant and the color always bright.
the picture of the sala tree just like the christmas tree symbol, so to everyone let mewish " Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2010"

Sabtu, 14 November 2009

Aromatic Bouquet from Sala flower

Several years having nice cute aromatic and interesting sala flower ,the rare flower and undescribed how attractived it was . real took many attention to the people that saw and smell for the very first time specially to those that loves flower.
this year the flowers start yo arise in september 2009 it has been 3 months and the frowers blossom every morning spreading the nice aromas, something makes different from the other year is about the stick branch spreadout from the trunk were more than one , not like the other year
, the branches of the flower bouquet spreads inthe seven spot from the trunk, its a reasonable reason some people from India call it nagalinga, because each branch thats the flower blooms lookslike the shape of Naga ( dragon ).
Everymorning i saw some people surrounding under my Sala tree, just to chat or just to relish the beauty and the aroma or the flower.
One day. the unresponsible pedestrian took away without permission the flower unbeknown by us ,its because the flower blossom within reach of the people that passed through.
Something that makes me agaping was not how the flower being taken by unresponsible person but How the neighbour concerned and cared about it. and feel sad of what has happened
Some of them told me ,if they always enjoy the beauty and the essence from the flower every morning , and they really made it by protect and love the flower together. they know if the tree was never found in our neighbourhood.
something special was the tree is learning to starts growing fruit. even not succeed at this moment , but at the other moment the fruit will certainly growing soon.

This picture of lovely flower seems if its going to express some word accosting everyone :" good morning everyone , may you will have a good day and gone for all achievement. with spirit and enthusiasm for the whole days "

Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

Naga Linga / Sala Tree

Nagalingga / sala tree / cannonball tree

Botanical name: Couroupita guianensis(Lecythidaceae)


The exotically beautiful Cannon ball tree can not be passed by. The tree is an incredible sight with its pleasant, fragrant flowers and extraordinary fruits.

Coming from Tropical America, the Cannon ball tree is known as Ayahuma (head of spirit) in this part of the world. Among the shamans of the Amazon, the tree is believed to provide protection against the evil spirits. The English name is derived from the massive fruit nuts which resemble rusty cannon balls. Thanks to its beauty, the tree has spread widely all over the world. It is considered as the holy tree of Shiva and called Naga Linga in India. This big tree can grow 35 m (115 ft) tall and achieve an 80 cm (2.6 ft) trunk diameter. The tree is mainly grown for its beauty, but the soft, light-colored wood is also utilized to manufacture furniture.


The Cannon ball tree blooms and bears fruit simultaneously. The exotic red flowers smell like expensive perfume and bloom for only one day each. In Asia, the flowers are a symbol of wealth. The fruits and the flowers burst straight from the trunk and the old trees have the whole lower part of the trunk covered. The cannon ball –like fruits can be up to 20 cm (7.8 inch). They ripen for approximately nine months and then fall to the ground, often popping broken. When reacting with air, the fruit flesh turns bluish-green and smells unpleasant and fermented. The flesh is edible for animals and for the Shamans of the Amazon, this powerful nourishment is a part of their diet. For other people the fruit can even be poisonous and might cause a serious allergic reaction. The hard fruit shell is used as containers or ornaments.


The effects of the Cannon ball tree in medical use are strong. As when using any natural medicine, the correct dosage is vital. In medicinal use, the flowers, leaves, bark and fruit flesh are used. The Cannon ball tree possesses antibiotic, antifungal, antiseptic and analgesic qualities. The trees are used to cure colds and stomach aches. The juice made from the leaves is used to cure skin diseases, and the Shamans of South America have even used tree parts for treating malaria. The inside of the fruit can disinfect wounds and young leaves ease toothache.

A gigantic tree with deeper roots holding out delicate flowers for the world to see ( forest life )

Senin, 30 Maret 2009

Flower....Flower....Flower.....: flower

Couroupita guianensis Aubl / Sala Tree
King dom : Plantae- Plants
Subkingdom : Tracheobionta - Vascular plants
Superdivision : Spermatophyta - Seed plants
Division : Magnoliophyta - Flowering plan
Class : Magnoliopsida . dicotyledons
Subclass : Dilleniidae
Order : Lecythidales
Family : Lecythidaceae - Brazil nut Family
Genus : Couroupita Aubl. - cannonball tree - sala tree
Species : Couroupita guaianensis Aubl. - cannonball tree - sala tree

Description : a Large tree , up to 10 m - 15 m tall . flowers and fruit grows direcrly from
the trunk
Hardiness : grows in tropical zones
Growing Environtment : Provide lot's of water and humidity for optimal grow
Propagations : By seeds

According to the Stories, the name of SOLO , SALATIGA are from the name of Sala Tree

The Sala tree is So familiar in Buddhism stories . where the Holly Buddha Gautama was born under SALA TREE and peacefully passed away ( Maha Parinirwana ) between two Sala Tree
Miraculous Birth
The Buddha's birth was similarly miraculous. On the eighth day of the
fourth lunar month, Queen Maya was walking in the Lumbini Garden in
Suddhodana's palace grounds, south of the Himalayas. As she stood under
a sala (ashoka) tree and raised her right arm to pick a blossom, the infant
Buddha sprang from her side without causing his mother pain or bloodshed.
He immediately took seven steps towards the north, and announced in a loud
Death of the Buddha
At the age of 80, after 45 years of teaching, the Buddha entered into a deep
trance and died peacefully in the Sala Grove in Kushinagara. This event, often
called the (Maha)parinirvana, is depicted with the Buddha reclining gently on
his right side, often surrounded by sorrowing attendants and disciples. Sometimes
his body appears already shrouded with muslin, as his follower Ananda prepares
for his masters funeral

In Chiang Mai the Tree that sacred to

Rabu, 14 Januari 2009

Jumat, 09 Januari 2009

How small bud becomes enchanting

Whithin a month the small bud that spread our from the bark , turn into nice glowing flower just like the lampion.
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Rabu, 07 Januari 2009

Flower Bouquete
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I called this flower tree a"Two SeasonS " tree, infact why I named it so , because I never know what actually it's name.I have it five years ago from someone,when the tree just about 60 cm high ,all what I remembered , the original tree where the seed comes from had the wonderful flower , it's had the flower like orchid, but so much bigger than orchid .
now It's been five more years in my homeyard, and the tree about 4 m high ,every year the leaves fallin and drops totally within aweek and grows normally in a week later, in my country we only have two season , rainy and summer , in the period when the seasons starts changing as well the leaves also falls totally , thats why I named it two seasons tree.
now, I have more suprised,when the tree gives us its lovely beauty, with the flowers spreads out from the tree, not from branches or leaves , but its spread out exactly from the main blooms at one line branch, which more like fireworks, each flower blooms in a day, in the whole tree only has a flower branch that will blooming for about four months , fhe flower starts to bloom from November to February. the flower is not as big as what I saw, just maybe its just the beginning, its not only served its beauty al
so its unique and its fragrance.
if someone know it better , will you please tell me what tree it is .thanks after all.

Saya menamainya pohon "Dua Musim " karena saya tidak tahu nama pohon tersebut , Lima tahun yang lalu saya diberi kan oleh teman saya sebuah pohon yang tingginya sekitar 60 cm , saat itu yang saya ingat adalah pohon aslinya , dimana bibit pohon itu berasal , memiliki bunga yang sangat bagus , indah dan cukup besar, bunganya seperti bunga anggrek , namun jauh lebih be
sar dan indah , besarnya seperti mangkuk baso ,sekarang pohon itu sudah berada kurang lebih lima tahun didepan rumah saya , dan tingginya sudah mencapai 4 meter,setiap tahunnya rontok sebanyak dua kali , saat rontok ,daunnya berguguran hingga habis atau gundul dalam seminggu dan seminggu kemudian timbuh kembali , oleh karenanya saya menamainya bunga Dua Musim. pohon tersebut rontok disaat menjelang musim hujan dan menjelang musim panas.
namun sekarang
saya mendapatkan kejutan yang lebih indah , bahwa pohon tersebut memberikan bunga yang begitu cantiknya , tumbuhnya bukan diranting ataupun diantara daun , melainkan di batang pohon yang besar, tumbuh seperti kembang api pada setangkai bunga seperti anggrek, setiap bunga berusia satu hari , pada satu pohon hanya terdapat satu ranting bunga , bunga terus menerus selama kurang lebuh 4 bulan , dari November hingga Pebruari, bunga tersebut bukan saja indah namun sangat unik dan semerbak ,tentu saja menjadi suka cita bagi kami.
bagi pembaca yang mengetahui nama pohon ini harap dapat menginformasikan pada saya nama pohon ini , Terima kasih ( charlie M )